Daily Archives: 13 July 2009

True Hauntings: Spirits with a Purpose by Hazel Denning

Haunting – any and all paranormal activities observed in buildings or in areas such as cemeteries; can be caused by discarnate entities trapped for some reason in a specific location, or by the energy left at the conclusion of some very powerful traumatic event.

The author, Dr. Hazel Denning, is a real life ghostbuster who has investigated haunted houses and psychic invasions. She has two Master’s Degrees and a PhD in clinical psychology. In her book, she related case histories of hauntings and provided accounts of spirits communicating with human beings (including her own). She relates cases of haunting from the spirit’s point of view and explains why many spirits remain in the physical realm.

Based on case histories, Dr. Denning provides the following reasons why some spirits are earthbound:

1. Some are trapped because of trauma that accompanied their deaths and memories carried over from past physical experiences.

2. Some sprits remain on earth to help those in need. Most of these entities are souls of people who have loved us and would like to continue protecting us. They are not “lost” spirits; they come and go as they wished.

3. Some spirits are earthbound as a result of guilt.

4. Some entities are angry at certain individuals and want revenge.

5. Some are benevolent spirits who visit to relay a last message, or check periodically on loved ones or comfort someone in need. I have personally heard of stores of relatives and friends being visited by their dead loved ones to relay a message and simply just visit during important days such as birthdays and anniversaries.

6. Spirits bound by powerful energies from grieving relatives and friends who cannot release the departed spirits. As a result the spirits are entrapped and cannot move on to the freedom they are entitled to experience upon their release from their physical bodies.

7. Some people die suddenly and violently, and their spirits do not know they are physically dead. These spirits can see, feel, think, hear, and experience an awareness of their own reality. This is especially true for those who do not believe in life after death and thus cannot accept that they can be “alive” without a body.

8. The spirit is bound to the earth by a strong attachment to a living person. In cases where a powerful love bond existed and one partner passes away, the spirit will stay with the surviving loved one until death unites them in the spirit world.

9. A spirit may wander in lost state for a long time, while trying to get the attention of someone (usually a “sensitive” or psychic person) who can help him/her.

Forgiveness and love have healing powers. In the physical world, anger generates anger. If there has been anger between two persons and one dies, the negative energy continues to bond the two persons in a painful relationship, until the problem between them is resolved in a way that dispels the negative energy, such as forgiveness and love.

We attract or communicate with spirit energies that are most compatible with our own, whether we are aware or not.

People who feel anger and resentment can attract spirits with bad energies. The earthbound spirits are attracted by the people victimized by the lost souls. When people suffer rage, anger, and resentment, they also attract these entities which also have their own uncontrolled rage.

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